The best wine bars in Toronto are, increasingly, living up to their name. For so many years, this city was short on places that made good on this designation. For the record, a wine bar should be 1) a bar and 2) the type of place that focuses its energy on offering an interesting selection of by-the-glass options. While Toronto has generally had a good supply of establishments that covered the latter of these two criteria, it's only in the last couple years that we've seen the rise of wine-first watering holes.
All of this sounds rather nit-picky, of course. Why get so caught up in names? Well, really, because it's nice to have places to drink wine that aren't stuck up and snobby. Wine is booze, too! So having the option to indulge in some interesting stuff without the pressure to order an expensive meal is just a good thing for us pretentious types without the wallets to support our egos. As for the places on this list that are still food-focused, well, you're nice too. But it's about time that the city had a bit of both. And now we do.
Here are the best wine bars in Toronto.