Soon after we learned that the Bloor (Hot Docs) Cinema successfully applied for a liquor licence, there's news that Cineplex Odeon is looking to enrich your theatre-going experience. Coming to Toronto next year (and into 2014) are three new 19+ VIP theatres, the highlight of which will be a five-screen complex at the Shops at Don Mills. Other locations on the dockett right now include Yonge & Eglinton (already home to a Sliver City) and the Queensway Cineplex.
At present, Cineplex's only offering of this kind in Toronto is the Varsity VIP. Having watched my fair share of films there, I can assure you that this is most welcome news. While drinking isn't exactly a necessity at the movies, it sure does make it more fun — especially when the film is a total dud. Tickets for these VIP theatres will likely be a bit more expensive (as is the case at the Varsity), but when you factor in the more comfortable seats, the wonder of wine, and the in-seat food service, there's ample justification for the premium.
What do you think? Will the presence of booze woo you to the VIP movie-going experience?
Photo by sniderscion in the blogTO Flickr pool