The Toronto Film Noir Syndicate is the latest venture for film buffs Shirley Hughes, Greg Woods and David Faris. Practically invisible, hidden far in the back room of Dominion on Queen, the TFNS showcases some of film noir's best hidden gems. The films of choice, which during
this series have an inflection on the femme fatale, are accompanied by period music, a collection of vintage trailers and a golden age film noir television episode as a preshow. The projection space creates the desired atmosphere of a classic speakeasy. These three cinefiles are about creating an all-encompassing underground film-going experience for
the modern day film-lover.
One of the perks of living in a city as savvy about cinema as Toronto is the accessibility to tons of otherwise forgotten films. However, the word might not always get out about these underground screenings. Despite the "under the radar-ness" and exclusivity of the TFNS, these three film buffs aren't looking to shut you out. They are actually hoping to spread the word on this once dominating genre.
So in a city where you can see any style or genre of cinema at virtually any time you please, why should you be interested in film noir if you haven't been before? While it may not be your cup of tea, there's a good chance you're already interested in the genre. Whether you're aware or not, blockbusters such as Drive (2011) and The Dark Night Rises (2012) and television series such as Twin Peaks are all in some way influenced by film Noir — and that's only to mention a scant few.
The TFNS doesn't, however, exist merely for educational purposes. Shirley, Greg and David truly want you to be entertained by this memorizing period of film. With one installment left on May 25, you've still got an opportunity to head out to grab a beer and tune into Gun Crazy (1950), a film noir masterpiece. I must advise you get there before the screening time at 7:30 p.m. though because the series is gaining popularity.
Writing by Lisa Benedetto