This week in theatre rounds up the most noteworthy live theatre playing right now in Toronto. It includes just-opened shows as well as productions that are about to close.
The Normal Heart / Buddies in Bad Times Theatre / 8:00pm/2:00pm / $25-$49
Studio 180's The Normal Heart was one of the most powerful and emotionally-driven productions of last year. Toronto audiences should be grateful for a second chance to catch Larry Kramer's incredible play. It debuted in 1985 at a time when AIDS was claiming the lives of a generation of gay men in New York. As the run last year demonstrated, the play's themes are still relevant over twenty-five years later.
Delicacy / Factory Studio Theatre / 8:00pm/2:00pm / $15-$20
On the heels of the darkly funny Help Yourself at this year's Fringe Festival, Theatre Brouhaha is back with a new production from up and coming playwright Kat Sandler. In Delicacy, two couples that met at a sex club, one of the affluent yuppie variety and the other young, energetic sexpots, try to find the magic a second time. Expect fast-paced wit set before the backdrop of Toronto's glass towers.
Political Mother / Bluma Appel Theatre / 8:00pm/2:00pm / $29-$99
A dance powerhouse that's made stops in just about every continent, Political Mother is the work of UK-based Israeli choreographer Hofesh Shechter. The critically-acclaimed piece blends modern dance with everything from military drums to electric guitars. The ten person ensemble explores themes of power and war in 70 minutes of energetic steps.
What You Want: Toronto / Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace / 7:30pm / PWYC
Here's an interesting opportunity to be a part of shaping a performance from the very get go. In 2010, Andew Templeton wrote What You Want, a goodbye letter to Vancouver. Two years later, he and his company are members of the Bring the Buzz residency at Theatre Passe Muraille where they'll combine the original show with a sequel called, What You Want: Toronto. Through performance and experiment, they'll invite audience feedback on the new creation.
P-Dale Ep 2: The Next Day is the Hardest Day of All / Unit 102 Theatre / 8:00pm / $15
Yet another followup to a Fringe play, P-Dale Ep 2 is the second story from playwright Luis Fernandes about a four man heist squad who orchestrate their holdups with nothing more than bravado, nerf guns, and a strap on. Episode two, entitled The Next Day is the Hardest Day of All, promises to incorporate new characters and locations along with a little more back story than their first stroll around the block.
Image from Delicacy