The Toronto Zombie Walk was bigger and bloodier than ever this year, as thousands congregated at Nathan Phillips Square for some gruesome theatrics. The weather was touch and go for a while, but in the end throngs ofToronto's undead made their way onto the streets for the 10th year of the lurching parade.
After the traditional opening ceremonies and head toss, all manner of zombies slowly dragged their way along the route, showing off plenty of brains, open wounds, an other injuries worthy of a few turns of the stomach. One can only imagine what the tourists in the area thought as the crew passed by. It was quite the anniversary, one expects that interest and participation in the event is just going to continue to rise in the years to come.
Check out the photos below to see how it all went down.
Photos by Bruce Emberley
Photos from the blogTO Flickr pool
Photo by yedman
Photo by Jackman Chiu
Photo by Black_Tux
Photo by Greg David
Photo by @pointandwrite
Photo by Billy Wong Photography