Despite the fact that it's an annual occurrence, the controlled burn in High Park always results in a scene that recalls one apocalyptic film or another. Of, course, given recent events in Boston, there's also far more serious images that are conjured up by the smoke rising this year — even as the event is completely benign. Here's the spiel from the City of Toronto:
"A prescribed burn is a deliberately set and carefully controlled fire that burns low to the ground and consumes leaf litter but does not harm large trees. This year's burn continues the well established program to restore High Park's Black Oak Savannah, a rare vegetation community that is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the Province of Ontario and at risk of extinction in Toronto."
On some level it's actually quite fascinating how this all works, and the images are compelling to say the least. Here's what it all looked like this year.
Photos by Tom Ryaboi