It's not really possible to do a "top 10" Toronto photographers on Instagram post, if only because of the sheer number of people who use the ever more popular social media platform. Whittling it down to a list of 50 would actually still be quite challenging and hopelessly subjective. So please note: this is not that. What it is, on the other hand, is an attempt to get a conversation started about all the great stuff that local shooters are doing with their phones. Have a look through the catalogues of the folks below, and you're likely to reconsider what these humble cameras can capture.
This list represents some of the folks whose photos of Toronto I've been particularly impressed with. But given that my exposure to the tens of thousands of people on Instagram is by necessity limited, I'd ask that you share some of your favourite users in the comments section, such that we can collectively assemble a list that will prove useful for those looking to up the eye candy quotient in their lives.
Although there's lots of processing done to these photos outside of the Instagram app itself, they're all shot with an iPhone. Jealous yet? While they wouldn't hold up if printed in a particularly large size, tonoariki's photos look near-perfect at 612x612.
One of the things that's so great about a collection like this one is the range of locations it shows off. These are gorgeous snippets of the city and the perfect way to get a regular dose of Toronto.
When street photography was young, it was all about the freedom of the Leica rangefinder or 35mm in general. I tend to think of how that same flexibility defines the best camera phone photography. Even if you process later, you have to get that capture. And if there's one thing that's on display in this stream, it's how well this photographer composes on the fly.
Street Art in Toronto
Is an extra description really necessary? For your daily dose of street art in Toronto, this is one of the best IG accounts to follow. I particularly like the fact that the documentation is varied and doesn't focus exclusively on one crew or a narrow range of writers.
Stilez has some great shots of Toronto's urban landscape, but it's shots of DJ sets and live music that set this stream apart from the others on the list. There are some stunning pics here.
If you like dogs, bikes, and awesome shots of the TTC and Toronto skyline, follow this account. Oh, and the travel pics are pretty fabulous too.
Buzz Buzz Home
Not just a photostream through which to stay on top of recent development projects around the city, there are some beautiful shots of Toronto (and sometimes other cities here). Some of them are a bit too processed for my liking, but I don't know, they look great on a phone.
We've featured lot's of soteeoh's shots in our weekly Instagram roundups, and for good reason. He consistently depicts Toronto in the most appealing light. You can catch some of his other work at 1LoveTO and on his Tumblr.
How do you get over 15K on Instagram? If you're not a celebrity, one way to do this is by taking excellent photos, and that's exactly what you'll find here.
Dave Hong
While the subject matter here is heavily focused on Toronto landmarks, Hong tends to present such familiar subject matter in a fresh way that perfect for perusing while riding along on the streetcar or killing a few minutes on your phone.
As if I wasn't going to include us on this list. We're all over town posting our experiences of the city, including photo challenges, skyline shots, food and drink pics and pretty much everything else that makes Toronto an interesting city to live in.
So who have I missed? There's got to be lots of great photographers to suggest in the comments below, so please do!
Lead photo by tahaphoto, subsequent photos by jasonfitzzz, stilez, soteeoh and blogto