Toronto hockey fans are just a little bit excited to see their team in the playoffs after a painful nine year drought. And now they have a public place to cheer or collectively weep, as they case may have been last night thanks to a 5-2 loss at the hands of Boston Bruins. Framed by the condos that have popped up around the ACC in the interval between playoff games, Maple Leaf Square has been brimming with fans on game days, far exceeding conservative estimates of its 2000 person capacity. As CBC reporter Scott Oake noted last night, it seemed like there were five times that number packed in the space (okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still).
The photos below derive from Saturday night's gathering, which ended more happily for fans who had lined up early to gain access to the square, which features a giant television screen on which the game is broadcast. And while last night saw the Leafs faithful walk home empty handed, it was one damn jubilant scene when Jake Gardiner scored the first home ice playoff goal in almost a decade. Here's to more of that — but maybe hold off on the parade plans for now?