It's been a super snoozeworthy week on the DineSafe database, which sucks for me because I don't get to write about scandalous infractions, but it's good for you because it means you're probably not ingesting too much rat-feces-laden fast food. Looks like restaurant people are (mostly) doing their jobs — way to go, guys. There were no closures this week, but here are the relatively few forays into disgustitude that went down.
Subway (3453 Victoria Park Ave.)
Inspected on: May 9
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 1 (Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Failure to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated.
California Thai (10 Dundas St. E.)
Inspected on: May 7
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 5 (Minor: 2, Significant: 1, Crucial: 2)
Crucial infractions include: Failure to maintain hazardous foods at 60 C (140 F) or hotter, failure to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated.
Sun on Food Co. (328 Passmore Ave.)
Inspected on: May 8
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 4 (Minor: 2, Significant: 2)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Gourmet Malaysia (4466 Sheppard Ave. E.)
Inspected on: May 9
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 7 (Minor:3, Significant: 3, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Failure to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated.
Kohinoor Foods (1438 Gerrard St. E.)
Inspected on: May 9
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 6 (Minor: 2, Significant: 4)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Lime Leaf Restaurant (1468 Victoria Park Ave.)
Inspected on: May 9
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 1 (Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Failure to maintain hazardous foods at 4 C (40 F) or colder.
Super Kabul (1255 Markham Rd.)
Inspected on: May 8
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 7 (Minor: 1, Significant: 6)
Crucial infractions include: N/A