You know you've got a full-blown scandal when the memes start circulating, but only the most ridiculous and newsworthy events tend to make it onto t-shirts. Do the Rob Ford crack smoking allegations make the cut? Maybe. Spotted on Instagram the other day is this t-shirt (or, perhaps more accurately t-shirt design) that goes to bat for our mayor by proclaiming that all he's guilty of his "having a good time."
It's pretty clever, if only for the degree to which it mirrors the situation with the crack smoking tape itself. Is this the "real thing"? We offered to buy one — as if we can afford the actual tape! — but we received no response from the mysterious woolf_1980. Are we risking our reputation in claiming that a Rob Ford Crackgate t-shirt actually exists when it does not? Is this just a clever bit of Photoshopping? After much deliberation, the decision has been made to run with this story because the potential existence of the item in question is too important not to bring to the public's attention.
Once we've raised enough funds (there's an office pool underway, currently at $12.43), we will make an offer for the shirt. With any luck we'll be able to verify its existence in the day's ahead. Fingers crossed! This could be our big break...