The photos of the week collect each of the editor-selected photos of the day into one post for a contest to be decided by our readers. Sponsored by Posterjack, the photographer whose image receives the most votes will be awarded with a voucher code for a 24"x36" poster print of their work.
All the rules and fine-print can be found in the original announcement post on the blogTO Flickr page. One thing to add, however, is that the voting period ends at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, after which the winner will be contacted with the good news.
For those photographers whose images are featured below, please feel free to give us a little information about your shot — i.e. where and when it was taken — in the comments section. Who knows? Maybe your description will sway voters in your favour!
Due to a repeated photo, last week's poll has been reset to zero and opened for another week of voting. Although there was a landslide victor, the playing field wasn't even based on error that I made, so I'd ask you to take a second and re-vote. Thank you.
Also noteworthy is that I'm currently working through backlog of voucher codes. If you've yet to receive your prize, you should by Monday.
Lead photo by James Napier
Photo by Javin Lau in the blogTO Flickr pool
Photo by Acid_Punk in the blogTO Flickr pool
Photo by mcdux in the blogTO Flickr pool
Photo by .enKay in the blogTO Flickr pool
Photo by Scott Irving in the blogTO Flickr pool.
Photo by Jack Landau in the blogTO Flickr pool