It probably won't surprise anyone that John Tory is considering a mayoral run. Although he's yet to commit formally, he's was frank in saying that he's considering trying for the position again (he ran and lost in 2003). Tory's made his fair share of political mistakes, but the conditions could be very good for him given the various Rob Ford controversies. What do you think? Could he win?
What about an 80 kilometre multi-use trail as a Pan Am Games legacy project? That'd sure be nice, and it'd be surprisingly cheap to make a reality. By connecting existing trail infrastructure, a continuous path could be fashioned for a projected $1.9 million. Isn't this something Toronto should already have anyway?
Remember that photo of an out-of-it Rob Ford at the PFLAG raising ceremony that circulated a few weeks back. Yeah, well now there's this. Wow.
For the daily dose of the Ford Bros. circus, here's further proof that the NewsTalk 1010 radio show has really just become a campaign tool.
In just a short bit, the provincial government is set to announce what's on the horizon for the Ontario Place revitalization. Any guesses as to what they're going to do with the former amusement park?
Photo by ~EvidencE in the blogTO Flickr pool