Toronto was treated to a stunning display of mammatus clouds on Friday evening in the wake of a passing thunderstorm. While the storm took a few casualties, most noteworthy were the wild skies it left behind. Taking place at dusk, the entire city was cast in an otherworldly orange glow somewhat akin to what one sees during a solar eclipse. In addition to the mammatus display, the sky was spread with low-hanging white clouds, which stood in stark contrast to the otherwise saturated scene. It was positively stunning, and a sight you can bet you won't see again for a long time. We asked our Instagram followers to share their photos of the event with us. Here are some of the best from the collection.
Checkout the spectacular skies above Toronto in our #stormcloudsTO stream.
Photo by amymichellesmith
Photo by adrianopincente
Photo by amyjweinstein
Photo by oloveya
Photo by lucasmurnagan
Photo by jackienguye
Photo by lindulina
Photo by mska
Photo by katy_o
Lead photo by fragileheart