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Justin Bieber super fans radiate joy at Toronto concert


Justin Bieber TorontoOn Thursday night, the instantaneous pandemonium that is a Justin Bieber concert took place on planet Earth once again: this time at the Air Canada Centre, for the first of his double header Toronto bookings. Since Bieber is all about his fans (look at himmaking all thesedifferent poses with fans. He's really trying), we thought we would be too.

It turns out we were right to assume the real story was taking place before the ticket scanners: from teenagers with tears streaming down their faces who'd somehow lost their tickets (but it all worked out!) and kids seeing their very first concert ever, to laissez-faire ladies just there on a whim and one girl who basically confessed to being a stalker. You might not be surprised to find we learned, via most of the fans we talked to, that it's about the music, but it's sort of mostly more-so about Bieber the guy. Oh, and opinions about Bieber's pet monkey are divided.

A drunk girl once approached me at a drone show in Italy because she'd heard I was Canadian, and asked me to please kill Justin Bieber. Biebz isn't just a celebrity: he's a phenomena. This guy and his slick bubblegum arena pop brand is one of our biggest exports, and sure that's problematic and a conversation we should have as a culture.

Yet the way I see it, the problem people have isn't with this kid. Bieb is a cog in the machine and he keeps it pretty positive. He makes people happy, makes (some) kids and even (some) adults get excited, and he even makes sense of the planet for a few confused little earthlings who are struggling to get by as much as any of us haters (or curious gawkers) on the sidelines. He kind of amuses me sometimes. Maybe we all need someone to wax distressed over. After meeting these fans, I still don't want to Believe, but I think I get it. Maybe I do Belieb.

Bieber in torontoTwo young women in matching purple Bieb shirts and tiaras.
Is this your first time?: Yes. / No.
What's your favourite thing about seeing Bieber live?: Surprises! Last time Drake came out.
Do you think Drake is going to be here tonight?: He's in Toronto so we hope so.
Do you follow him on Twitter?: Yes.
How long have you loved Justin Bieber?: Since he was little and it was inappropriate for us to like him.
How much Bieber stuff do you own?: She has a ton... / I have a blanket, a pillow case, tiaras, tattoos, stickers, books, puzzles, bookmarks, shirts, sweatshirts... too much.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: Does it matter? / The guy.
What other music do you like besides Bieber?: EDM. / One Direction, the Backstreet Boys, old school pop.
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: Can I have it? / It's so cute!

Justin Bieber concertTwo guys who opened us up to Justin's acoustic side.
Is this your first time?: Yes. It's our first time having Bieber Fever.
Fave song?: "Never Say Never." / "Nothing Like Us" acoustic.
Bieber has acoustic songs?: He has an acoustic album! It's his John Mayer side.
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: It's unfortunate that he left it in Germany. As an animal lover I'm disappointed in him.
What other music do you like besides Bieber?: Hiphop, country. / Mostly pop.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: We're split!
Do you follow him on Twitter?: Twitter, Instagram, everything!

Justin Bieber FansA mysterious lone girl.
Have you seen Bieber before?: At MMVAs.
What's your favorite thing about seeing Justin live?: His performance is amazing.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: The guy, but both.
Fave song: "Nothing Like Us."
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: He has a pet monkey?
What surprises do you think are in store for the night?: I'm not going. I don't have a ticket.
What are you here for?: Just hoping to see him.

Justin Bieber FansThese two girls came from England.
Have you seen Bieber before?: In London. This is my 5th time.
Would you say you're super fans?: Definitely.
Fave song?: "Baby."
Did you come to Toronto just for Bieber?: One of the reasons.
What surprises do you think are in store for the night?: A special guest maybe.
Like who?: Hopefully Nicki Minaj. / wil.i.am?
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: He's so cute.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: It's hard to choose. / The guy.
Do you follow him on Twitter or Instagram?: Yes.

Justin BieberPair of happy blondes in jean jackets.
Have you seen Bieber before?: No.
Why did you buy the tickets today?: Justin is really good looking.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: We don't know him. He kind of seems like a dick. I'm sure his music is great.
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: That's cruel. I don't approve, I'm a vegetarian. / It's cute.
What other music do you like?: Not Justin Bieber music! I like indie kind of music. We like 80s, 90s, Usher. This isn't me but we're here.
What are you most looking forward to tonight?: Just seeing Justin.

Justin Bieber FansPair who made their own shirts and headbands.
Is this your first time?: Yes.
What are you most excited for?: Being able to see and listen to him.
Fave thing about Toronto?: The people.
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: Love it.

Justin Bieber ACCFive young girls in matching Believe tour shirts.
How many times have you seen Bieber?: Twice. / Zero. / Once. / First time (x2).
Fave song: "Be Alright" and "Beauty and a Beat." / "Around the World." / "As Long As You Love Me", "Boyfriend", "All Around the World", "Beauty and a Beat."
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Teacher or veterinarian. / Baker. / Teacher. / Married to Justin Bieber (x2).
What are you most excited about tonight?: Being at a concert in downtown Toronto with all our friends. / Watching Justin Bieber. / Hearing him sing songs from his album. / Seeing Justin without a shirt on!

Justin Bieber FansThree little boys and their mom and dad.
Have you ever seen Bieber before?: No.
Is this your first concert?: Yes.
What are you most excited about?: Having fun.
Where are you from?: Rowlands.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: NHL player for Toronto Maple Leafs. / Fire fighter. / Don't know.
Fave song: Don't know (x3).

Justin BieberFour girls, two who had matching homemade Bieber glasses frames and Bieber headgear.
Have you seen Bieber before?: Once. / No (x3).
What are you most looking forward to tonight?: Seeing Justin!
What other music do you like?: Nothing. / Austin Mahone, Cody Simpson.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: The guy!
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: It's so cute.
How much Justin Bieber merchandise do you own?: I have a lot. / A few things.
How long have you loved Justin Bieber?: Since he was born.

Justin Bieber FansA wedding blogger and her friend gripping tickets.
Is this your first time?: Yes.
What are you most excited for tonight?: Seeing Justin dance.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the man?: The man.
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: It's cute.
Fave song?: "One Less Lonely Girl": we want to be it!
What surprises do you think are in store for tonight?: Maybe Drake again?

Justin Bieber TorontoTwo women wearing matching Bieber black shirts.
Have you seen Bieber before?: Yes. / No.
What are you most looking forward to tonight?: His endurance, he can perform for 2 hours. I think he's really talented. / His singing and dancing.
Fave song?: "Baby."
What do you think about Justin Bieber's monkey?: It was cute and I enjoyed the Instagram pictures of it, but I'm happy that it's living happily in a zoo. / I wasn't thrilled with it.
What do you like more, Justin Bieber the musician, or Justin Bieber the guy?: The musician.
What other music do you like?: Classic rock and 90s boybands. / Classic rock.

Justin Bieber FansRode the subway for the first time to see her first concert.
How old are you?: Six.
Is this your first time seeing Bieber?: Yeah.
What do you like about Justin Bieber?: Because he's cute.
Fave song: I don't know.
Fave thing about Toronto: I get to see friends.
What do you wanna be when you grow up?: A vet!

Photos by Brian Morton.

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