Sorry CityPlace residents, but that nice yellow pedestrian bridge that opened last Friday has been temporarily closed after a City of Toronto inspection. Although officials are staying tight-lipped about the details, Helen Noehammer, the City's Director of Development Engineering, revealed in an email that "a number of deficiencies were identified" during the inspection process. Concord Adex has thus restricted access to the bridge until it can address the inspector's concerns.
Speculation over at Urban Toronto cites concerns related to the mesh-covering on the bridge and the possibility that the expansion joints pose a tripping hazard, but the City declined to reveal specific problems until staff have a chance to meet with Concord Adex. That meeting is supposed to take place sometime later this week.
Predictably, what that means is it's impossible to give a concrete timeline on when the bridge will reopen. In a statement released earlier today, Concord Adex confirmed this much in saying that "while it is difficult to determine a precise date for the re-opening of the bridge, we are confident that a resolution will be implemented in the near future." It would appear the issues are of the minor variety, though — so perhaps this is case. We'll provide an update when we know more.