The best stores to buy greeting cards in Toronto go beyond the typical selection you can find at your local Shoppers Drug Mart. At these stores you can usually find greeting cards that have that almost too-adorable, handmade look (often because they're actually handmade and made by local Toronto artists). These shops are just about guaranteed to have what you're looking for, especially if you need something a little less Happy Birthday thou most special of flowers and a little more Yo, I'm sorry the cat shat on your bed.
As any child will tell you, a greeting card can easily be the most pointless part of a gift. But if you've ever received a handmade, heartfelt little card with thought behind it, you'll know a card can mean everything. These shops allow you to skip the DIY factor and avoid ye olde Hallmark shop, and check out a local solution to your greeting card needs. The best thing about cards from these spots, other than the fact that many of them have a handmade quality, is that they've also got a great sense of humour.
Here are the best stores to buy greeting cards in Toronto.
See also:
The Best Card, Paper and Stationery Shops in Toronto
The Best Places to Buy Unique Gifts in Toronto
Letterpress Printing in Toronto