For all the fervour over the Rob Ford bobblehead toys, which you'd be forgiven for thinking was a sign of the impending apocalypse, it really wasn't a toy/statuette/waste of plastic befitting of the Toronto mayor. Besides the fact that it looked more like his brother Doug, it ultimately had no use value. That's not the case with the latest toy dedicated to the one and only RoFo. The Squeeze Ford Stress Toy not only more closely resembles the mayor, but it allows one to relieve his frustrations by repeatedly crushing Ford's likeness.
Recently launched as a Kickstarter project, the squeeze toy doesn't have a retail price yet, but an $8 donation to the fund will get one sent out in the mail for you. Should the project prove successful enough, different versions of the Mayor are in the works. Yes, it might not be the most innovative product ever made, but there's something novel about the idea of being able to take out one's frustrations on a squeeze toy version of the mayor. Check out the Kickstarter promo below.