January came to a close with zero red cards on record in Toronto, though a number of kitchens seem to be battling to keep pests out. Also noteworthy is the conditional pass awarded to North York General Hospital, though curiously there is no specific information for this establishment's yellow card. I smell an X-file.
Here's the rest of this week's DineSafe roundup.
Acme Burger (735 The Queensway)
Inspected on: January 30, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 3 (Minor: 2, Significant: 1)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Templeton's (319 Augusta Ave)
Inspected on: January 30, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 3 (Significant: 4)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Flame Shack (506 Queen St E)
Inspected on: January 30, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 3 (Minor: 1 Significant: 2)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Gelato Pizza (1316 Queen St W)
Inspected on: January 28, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 5 (Minor: 2 Significant: 2 Crucial: 1
Crucial infractions include: Operator fail to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated
Sakura Sushi (394 Bloor St W)
Inspected on: January 27, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 6 (Minor: 1 Significant: 5)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Georgy Porgy's Bar & Grill (1448 Lawrence Ave E)
Inspected on: January 27, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 4 (Minor: 1 Significant: 2 Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Operator fail to maintain hazardous food(s) at 4C (40F) or colder.
Pho Orchid (124 Chestnut St)
Inspected on: January 30, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 3 (Minor: 1 Significant: 2)
Crucial infractions include: N/A