Toronto's 2014 Pride Parade is in danger of being stripped of its right to bare... everything? As City Hall becomes more shambolic and our Mayor claims he has "nothing to hide" (after lying repeatedly to the public, etc), some Toronto school trustees are demanding the parade cover up. The school board is planning a float for the parade, and they're pulling a "think of the children" -- though a Mardi-Gras float of the Mayor smoking crack should be a lot harder to explain to your kids than some Torontonians marching in the buff.
Trustee Sam Sotiropoulos is on the side of the law (but not the fun side of the law, like you want) telling the Star: "I cannot sign off to participating and promoting an event where the laws against public nudity are being flouted." While one has to question the claims Sotiropoulos must make to himself that he really is a fun guy (right?), one obvious solution that could make everyone happy would be the school board holding onto their float, which will apparently feature Helen Lovejoy, until the Santa Claus Parade.
Should nudity be banned at Toronto Pride? Let us know in the comments.
Photo by Mauricio Calero