The best gluten free bakeries in Toronto respect the intolerances of those who suffer celiac disease - and the preferences of those who choose to avoid gluten for other reasons. Gluten is a protein composite found in several grains, including wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. It's the creation of gluten (by mixing water and flour) that provides traditional dough some of its elasticity and flavour - so you can imagine the difficulties of making baked goods, especially ones that taste good, without these usual staples.
Ground flours made from almonds, corn, rice, sorghum or legumes are substituted, plus additives like guar gum, xanthum gum, cornstarch or eggs to help hold shape. Some of these bakeries started small, selling in farmer's markets and wholesale before demand made it possible for them to find a more permanent home. As these bakeries experimented with the possibilities of gluten free baked goods, their menus expanded, and the best ones have come up with fabulous results.
Here are the best gluten free bakeries in Toronto.
See also:
The best wheat and gluten free restaurants in Toronto
The best nut-free bakeries in Toronto