The best baby stores in Toronto make for an impressive list. It wasn't too long ago that you went to Macklem's for your stroller and a department store for everything else, but Toronto is a city of neighbourhoods, and a lot of those neighbourhoods (Leslieville, Roncy) are full of young families, and they don't just want another vividly-coloured blob of extruded plastic from a Southeast Asian factory in their nursery.
The overwhelming fact for first-time parents is just how much stuff you're going to need to get your offspring from delivery room to kindergarten, and the modern urban parent has proved to be a very discriminating and conscientious consumer of baby goods - no Bisphenol A for our future Nobel Peace Prize winners, nosirree Bob. The result is that, once a neighbourhood has passed from its bars-and-bistros phase, the next stage of gentrification usually involves a lovely little shop with limewashed floors selling wooden toys from Norway and baby carriers in fetching shades of heather.
There's a lot to buy when you're a parent, but thankfully there are a lot of places in Toronto willing to sell them to you, in practically every area where someone is currently turning their guest room or study into a nursery as you read this.
Here is the list of the best baby stores in Toronto.
See also:
The best kid (family) friendly restaurants in Toronto