Despite suggesting he would be elsewhere for the new year, Rob Ford has announced he will indeed attend city council's annual levee where citizens have a chance to meet their civic leaders. Ford said earlier this month the event, a city fixture since 1968, would be cancelled or merged into a family skating event.
Around 250 Idle No More protestors, including activist Naomi Klein, staged a flash demonstration at the Eaton Centre Sunday over the Canadian government's handling of various environmental issues and Stephen Harper's refusal to meet with hunger-striking Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence. More protests are expected in Toronto later tonight.
More concrete was spotted falling from the Gardiner this weekend near the Humber Loop. The TTC temporarily suspended service on part of the 501 Queen streetcar while city crews made emergency repairs to a concrete underpass near the western terminus of the line.
Come rain, hail, or snow, Toronto's new year Polar Bear dip always ends in a freezing plunge into Lake Ontario. That said, according to the Toronto Star, the icy dip has been getting warmer of late. The air temperature is expected to be around -4 C on New Year's Day, relatively warm compared to other parts of Canada.
Bus, subway, same thing. [via Reddit]
'Tis the season for 2012 round-ups. Here's the year in review from the Globe and Mail's perspective, the Toronto StarCityNews, and the National Post. To summarize: Ford said and did stuff and we either laughed or cringed.
Toronto's own Tom Ryaboi made the Atlantic Cities' best time lapse video list for 2012. His City Rising film, which we featured back in late October, was cited among films from Chicago and Kuala Lampur.
Finally, a quick reminder that the TTC is free tonight after 10 pm and subway service will be extended to roughly 3:30 am. Happy 2013.
- Ontario reaches tentative deal with school support workers [CBC]
- Police identify man found in Dufferin St. schoolyard [The Star]
- Toronto sees uptick in firearm homicides in 2012 [The Star]
- Toronto-based Nigerian millionaire uses oil wealth to help Danzig [The Star]
- That time when Toronto asked us to be nice, clear our ice
- Get to know a Chef: Massimo Capra, Mistura
- What's open and closed on New Year's Day 2013 in Toronto
- Where to do yoga in Toronto after gorging on pork buns
- Demand for chalk artistry in Toronto keeps growing
- This Week In Comedy
Chris Bateman is a staff writer at blogTO. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisbateman.
Photo: "Skyline and Western Gap" by grecomic from the blogTO Flickr pool.