Pacific Mall played host to a sweeping raid last Thursday as part of a massive investigation in which police seized more than $3 million in counterfeit goods. After an inquest, which, by all accounts, could only be described as "groundbreaking," police showed off their loot from ten sites across the GTA during a press conference yesterday morning. Among the annexed items were counterfeit toys, drugs, clothing, and electronics.
The investigation, called "Project Consumer Safety," resulted in several arrests and marked a triennial event in Pacific Mall's general operation. Next for Toronto cops? Cracking down and exposing pot-smokers during Toronto's annual 420 parade.
For the couple of people who still can't tell a Louis Vuitton from a Louie Vuitton, the raid comes as a massive shock. For the rest (including the Toronto Reddit consensus) the seizure is pretty much just another yawn. Thank heavens someone's looking out for the unsuspecting consumer, right?