Hmmm. I don't like Tim Hudak a whole lot, but I do like booze and things that are convenient — you know, like being able to buy booze at the corner store. So I must confess that I'm on board with the provincial Conservative leader's announcement this morning that he'd open up the sale of beer and wine to grocery and corner stores, something which really should have been legislated long ago.
While one can point to the possibility that such a move would hinder the mighty LCBO's earning power, it's hard to ignore the fact that the current system is marked by misplaced paternalism as much as it is by dollar signs. Hudak indicated that he would not sell of the LCBO in its entirety, but that he was keen to open up the market to the private sector in favour of a more consumer friendly system.
Will the Liberal-leader-to-be have to get on board with this idea come election time? The power of convenient booze could be worth a few votes, even if the status quo has proven good for government business. What say you? Good idea? Good enough idea to sway a potential vote in favour of the Conservatives when the time comes?
Photo by Patrick Cummins in the blogTO Flickr pool